WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Komadyret »

yes, it's exiting times for sure.
I saw a performance/benchmark leak over at videocardz yesterday. It places the 2060S at around 50% of a 3080. Good boost there.
https://videocardz.com/newz/nvidia-gefo ... nce-leaked
Really excited over at what AMD has up their sleeve with Zen3, and when we will see availability.

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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Vinster »

and looking at those benchmarks is why I'm thinking of going to the 3090... and a new larger monitor :)


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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Vinster »

So here is my rough bill of material (BOM)...

Work inProgress.JPG
I might be crazy.. but I want to go all out...

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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Komadyret »

I'll have to bring the bad news... you'll have to add a $10 for thermal compound :lol:
That aside, as I noticed the TIM was missing from your budget I started looking at my domestic e-retailer for what was available of the kind.
And I couldn't recognize any of them.
What are the good/best options for TIM nowadays?
I see pricing at the site I do most of my shopping from range from below $10 to well above $30, and with brands like Noctua, Thermal Grizly, Cooler Master and Corsair.

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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Mr-Scott »

All perform within a degree or two of each other. Pick your poison.
I like good old MX-4.
Coolermaster works very well also.
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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Vinster »

I have a large tube of good old of AS-5 and Ceramique... I'll probably go with AS-5


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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Vinster »

Well I've started buying parts. So far I have:

PSU: EVGA 1200w Platimun
Case: Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL Black

with this case I'm going with two 120mm x 360mm x 30mm rads for the bottom and side and a 120mm x 360mm x 45mm rad on the bottom. apparently this case will hold a 140x280 rad on the bottom but after actually seeing this in place I don't see the value in that size of a rad.

Here is the placement plan.

So I'll have 6 fans blowing in and 4 fans blowing out to pressurize the case in hopes it will keep dust out.

What are your thoughts?

After having done more research, here is the updated cost sheet.

Items I am not sold on:
- CPU monoblock. I may be thinking of something more traditional. Really with EKWB still made the Supremacy EVO in full Copper... I like the one I have but can't get an AM4 mount for it.
- Asus M.2 Raid Card. I'll be able to RAID two M.2 Drives on the motherboard. with the Rocket 4 Plus speeds are as advertised, I won't need more than 2 drives.

For CPU I'm leaning on the 5800x, but could go for the 5900x, depends what happens at launch...

GPU's I am not in a rush for, I'm was initially waiting on the Big Navi info and benchmarks, but think it'll end up between the 3070 and the 3080. This being a 5yr build, I'm thinking 3080 as I don't plan on an 8K display in the next 5 years. But I am trying to find a decent 4K 32" display.

I am also shopping for proper fans as well. Noctua's were my go-to, but I don't want to have the ugly brown in this case and I don't want to have to paint them.
2020-10-20-Cost Sheet.JPG

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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Vinster »

Water Cooling parts have been ordered... should get here next week.

WC Parts.JPG

Will buy the CPU, MB and RAM when Zen 3 launches... looking forward to real benchmarks. help make the decision between the 5800X or the 5900X

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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Vinster »

Water cooling bits are here.. I'm getting excited.


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Re: WIfeWillCutmyNutzOff the Third

Unread post by Vinster »

So I've made some progress.. Here is where I'm sitting now.

I have 10 Noctua 120mm PWM Redux1700rpm fans. I have them all setup in a Push setup.

Here is the top rad

20201031_174301 (Large).jpg
Bottom Rad

20201031_174306 (Large).jpg
Side Rad

20201031_174416 (Large).jpg

Here is my Drain.. I had to play around and order more standard 90's to get this right...


20201104_172723 (Large).jpg


20201104_172736 (Large).jpg

Planing on bending a few tubes now. I don't have the CPU/MB yet. I couldn't get to the local store to get a new Ryzen 5800x on time to day before they sold out. Hopefully AMD is better at replenishing stock.

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